Explorers is the final youth section in the scouting family. Explorers range from 14-18yrs. Explorers can work towards the highest awards in Scouting and can also take part in the duke of Edinburgh Scheme. Many of our Explorers complete the Young Leader training award and continue scouting as Leaders when they reach 18 or move to Network and continue Scouting and working towards the Queens Scout Award. Its not all awards and walking up mountains- we have a varied programme that covers everything from Ice Skating to Mental health, Theatre visits to Trips to London and of course there is the opportunity to go on expeditions in the Peak District or a little closer to home, we endeavour to offer a balanced programme that fits individual exploers and we are happy to adjust our activities to ensure no one is excluded. We offer support to our Explorers who are studying for GCSE’s and A levels and a safe place to let off steam from teenage life stresses.